Arcane Legends Wiki

Beloved Hero is a story quest that is the second quest of Karin's quest chain.


  1. Accept the quest from a quest drop.
  2. Venture through the Aqueducts and defeat all enemies.
  3. Mail a letter to Karin by interacting with a quest drop to complete the quest.

Note: Under certain circumstances, this quest will not show when you first enter the Aqueducts. Accept or complete the quest inside the Aqueducts and check back regularly to accept the quest. Otherwise, you can accept it the next time you enter if you make it through without accepting the quest.


Karin: Beloved Hero,
I received your letter about the refugees. Those poor people! I'm so glad you're there to help. Can't wait to meet again in Traveller's Outpost!
Write me after you have seen the Aqueducts.
Love, Karin
